Changes make getting training in harder...

Unfortunately I do not live the life of a pro triathlete, like many others I fit my training around my work life, doing what I can to maximise my time and promote recovery in between.
I work as an assistant project engineer for Network Rail in London. l work regular 9-5 hours and commute across some of the busiest streets in the capital. I regularly arrive at work with wet hair or red cheeks from where I have finished a training session beforehand and have made the mad dash from shower to work, with little thought about drying my hair.
Whereas I like routine and I know that being consistent is where the big gains are made sometimes it is just not possible to always fit training in and you have to be chilled about it.
I recently started a rotation as part of my graduate style start to life in Network Rail and this means different hours and different location. This week I have been out working nights with the maintenance teams and therefore have had to adjust. The sheer task of staying awake has been something I have found the hardest, and this leaves me wiped during the day. So training is taking a bit of back seat.
To reduce the stress of trying to fit in training whilst working this time pattern I have taken to riding the 30km to and from work despite having train tickets provided. Its hopefully little actions that will help me to keep in shape and hold my form until my schedule realigns to normal hours.
Lessons -
Don't force yourself - if your tired then sleep, poor form due to tiredness could lead to injury.
Plan - use your time wisely
Team work - co-ordinate with flatmates and friends to give you more time.
Look elsewhere - you can change your routine/sessions to fit, or consider changing your job if you prioritise your lifestyle over work - think the steps through before being hasty.