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Support and the start of the 2017 season

Recently I have been quiet on the blog front as my training took priority over the winter months. But having begun the 2017 season, I felt it only right to update you on my recent endeavours and the support I have been lucky to receive.

Good news!

So firstly, I have been lucky enough to be supported by Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) for a second year. GLL run a variety of gyms and pools in my area and will continue to provide me with access to superb sporting facilities for 2017 and into 2018. I also hope to get to work with another final year sports science student from their partner university, Middlesex University, to take part in further physical sporting assessments.

Secondly, I must say a huge thank you to the Sport Godalming Foundation, for the financial award they have chosen to give me this year. I am honoured to consider myself a sporting ambassador for the town and hope to make them proud. I know about the top sporting talent coming out of the area so I am unbelievably happy they chose me.

Thirdly, Parcours Velo, a new UK carbon wheel company I approached late in 2016, and Better You, magnesium recovery supplements, are both on board for 2017. I look forward to promoting the good work and products you make.

To that end – Parcours Velo wheels were reviewed in comparison to some far more expensive competitors in Triathlon 220 and came out incredibly highly rated – click on the wheel to read the review.

Congratulations to Better You for winning the Best Sleep brand 2017 for their magnesium flakes, from personal experience you sleep like a baby after a soak in a magnesium flake bath.

I highly recommend both brands, and their incredibly impressive product ranges. Try them for yourself discount codes below.

Parcours Velo – JOAKEY50


To be supported by some great companies and local foundations is a great feeling and huge privilege. I know how hard it is to attract companies to work with small time athletes but I feel more should look to invest resources at grass roots level, especially small niche start-up companies looking to break the market, who have little to no advertising budget.

So to the opening of the 2017 season.

My first race would be a duathlon (run, bike, run), a relatively unfamiliar territory for myself having only raced one prior to this event. I always aspire to race in the best fields around and with the highest levels of competition possible and the Elite Duathlon national championships was pretty high. A full draft legal event and off the back of a sub par week of training I headed to Bedford a little nervous. However, knowing this was not my 'A' race or even a 'B' race for that matter I was simply there for fun, my nerves subsided as the sun rose high and the wind picked up.

The wind sock rarely deviated from horizontal

Bikes racked and slightly anxious to get going, the hundred or so elites (junior and senior males) lined up for the off, the wind already being felt. Two laps of the Bedford Autodrome lay ahead on the first run and we were soon under starters orders. The buzzer went and we were off, tearing up the tarmac like a pack of lycra covered scalded cats! The pace seemed hard from the word go and as kilometre 1 buzzed up on my Garmin '3.02' I knew this was a little faster than I wanted to be going. I reminded myself to stick with it and as the pace began to bite the group thinned. Kilometre 2 and 3 came up fast, '3.14' and '3.26', I could feel my legs getting heavy, this was way too fast for me, but I stuck with the group and willed the bike leg to come. Kilometre 4 was '3.42' and those around me were all hurting by then, as we watched as the lead groups getting away. Sitting in the middle of the third pack I entered transition to grab the bike.

I struggled with the clasp of my helmet in my angst to get out in a group, losing valuable time. Once done up I was out and on the bike, legs feeling incredibly jaded by this point. Out of the transition I mounted quickly, something I had been working on recently. What I hadn't been able to plan for was the feeling of nothingness in my legs that would dog me for 2.5 out of 4 laps. By now the wind levels were apparent. Having chosen to run the deepest set of wheels possible to maximise straight line aerodynamic assistance I had plumped for the 86mm deep Chronos from the Parcours range. This was not a wise move. I did gain when the wind was behind me but with a cross wind and especially in the turns I found myself having to back off more than those around me. With no one seeming willing to do any work on the front as I continued to steam roller away when the wind was behind me I was left to slog it out for all 4 laps. Only on the last one did I feel my legs begin to come back to me and I dropped the group I'd been pulling along.

Bike after a shake down ride the day before

Into the second transition and I made a hash of dismounting, coming in too quick and slamming the brakes on before dropping both feet unceremoniously. Annoyed at getting that bit wrong I was ready for the final run lap. I put my trainers back on and streamed out of transition looking to hunt people down. This is where I feel I am at my best. The final leg when people are dropping like flies I have learnt to dig a little deeper and grit my teeth for that last little bit. Passing 4 athletes and almost catching my friend Jonny on the last lap I was happy to cross the line. Under the hour for the sprint distance, 28th in an elite field and 4th in the 25-29 age group, all in all a great start to 2017.

Upgraded to 28th in the results

Next up Eton Dorney Sprint distance qualifier on the 21st of May.

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